The Little Branch


Bringing you the true Beauty of Nature

Advances in technology, the intoduction of mesh and with an increasing number of talented designers, Second Life constantly becomes more awe inspiring.  That said, it follows that with the expanding choice of quality products available, we residents have adopted a rather discerning eye when it comes to coveting the very finest on offer.

It is easy to see how, when faced with such a vast array of high quality offerings, we may become a little complacent when it comes to our shopping habits and quest for the best.

I suppose anecdotally, I liken it to dating (lol, here comes the romantic in me)  You know when you've been dating a few different people but your love life still feels lacking!  Yes your dates have all been really lovely and you had a pleasant evening, but they were somewhat 'Vanilla' that WOW factor, the 'je ne said quoi is proving rather elusive.  What we really want is that take my breath away moment, eyes across a crowded room, butterflies in the stomach, heart racing, lol you get the picture!  Something that just stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Let me therefore introduce you to The Little Branch, a horticultural utopia in Second Life!  brought to us by the suberbly talented Cari McKeenan.  This beautiful sim is the epitome of breathtaking scenery and outstanding realism.  Every leaf, petal and stem invites you to reach out and touch it, to reassure yourself that your eyes are not deceiving you, it truly isn't real.  The level of detail is exquisite as demonstrated in the flowers below.

The Little Branch, offers both popular and lesser known varieties of trees, the majority of which are seasonal.  As such, a simple click of a button will transform your home and land to coincide with the changing seasons, stunning beauty all year round.  I adore the autumn colours, the reds and yellows are just so vivid and eye catching,  this combined with the unusual shapes of some of the trees, definitely demand more than a fleeting glance.  

I thoroughly recommend a visit to this beautiful sim and mainstore, take a leisurely walk through
grounds and explore the warehouse inspired mainstore, filled with trees and saplings in growth.
I guarantee your amazement at the True Beauty of Nature at The Little Branch.

Satellite store: 

Offers as part of Hello Tuesday available each week at the satellite store.


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