My Second Life Diary

25th November 2017

Well it's been an interesting few weeks on SL, so much going on with Halloween, autumn fayre's, now thanksgiving and the run up to the Christmas holidays.
Even I am overwhelmed at the amount of fabulous new products our talented designers are tempting us with at the moment, seems never ending and my bank manager is giving me serious grief!
I went to Rowne 2 days ago as they have a 50% sale on.  I seriously spent a fortune, but came away with a whole new fabulous wardobe! I recommend a visit, the designs are so elegant and classy, the hair is amazing too. I bought 'Sofia' which is a hair tucked into a beautifully textured wool scarf, with colour hud.

I found this weeks featured item whilst looking through Flickr, saw a pre release photo of the Native American sectional sofa by Mirage and just fell in love with it.  The colours are so vibrant and rich and the textures amazing, it now takes pride of place in my lounge. There is a link to the Frosty event where it is featured in the 'featured' post.

Hubby (Joe) and I threw a Halloween bash which was great fun, as usual my crazy friends didn't disappoint and the costumes were grotesque to say the least.  Joe's was so bad, I almost made up the spare bed! truly hideous and gave me nightmares.

It's been a bit of a sad week this week as our good friend has been with his partner in SL for a couple of years and he adored her.  However he logged on last week to find she had just gone, left SL, just like that, no goodbye even.  I sincerely hope that she is ok RL and that her absence is temporary, but in the meantime we are getting through plenty of chicken soup (solves everything according to my granny) tissues and tlc.  Hopefully things will all work out eventually, ever the optomist.

The highlight of this week however has been creating this blog, which is probably long overdue.  I love to chatter and share my love of all things SL, but I do have a serious shopping addiction and drive Joe and my friends mad.  They nickname me 'magpie' as anything sparkly or shiny has me hooked, I love jewellery, sequins, shiny material enabled textures, all the pretty things.  I hold my hand up to being somewhat of a girly girl, though like to think I do it with style lol.  I am also a huge romantic, which incidentally leads me on to my next topic and idea.

During my time in SL, ten years in March yikes, I have met some amazing couples, one of whom are still together, wow can you believe that?? 9 years I think, that takes some doing and a whole lot of love (makes me all mushy inside aww)  So my idea is to feature some stories on my blog of lasting SL relationships, interviewing the couple and delving into what it is that makes lasting love so elusive and what components are required to achieve everlasting love (violins please).  So if you are in such a relationship or know such a couple, send me an IM and let's find out more about SL love.  Obviously couples of any gender and sexual orientation are welcome to join in, the only exception I make is no child avatars please.  Also feel free to send me your loved up pics, what the heck, let's have a love fest!  Not enough love in the world RL or SL.  I guess we could all be a bit naughty and share disaster stories too lol, embarrasing and cringeworthy moments, those we would rather forget eek!  So come on, let's make this blog fun and a family community, a place to relax, meet new friends and share our love of all things SL!

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and for visting my blog, please share the link if you have enjoyed your time here.  In the meantime, take care be good and if you can't be good, be careful lol! Bye for now China x


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