Diary Entry

It's been a while since I wrote a diary entry, things have just been so hectic lately in both worlds.  Christmas and New Year were especially busy as I had the family at my house, though a good time was had by all, so worth the blood, sweat and tears.

Anyway enough about RL, I've been a busy bee in SL this month and not just shopping for a change, though plenty of that thrown in too.  I moved house, what an ordeal lol, I never realised how much I had accumulated in terms of soft furnishings and landscaping items etc. OMG!!! I swear I could furnish every home in Second Life and still have enough left over for a small village rl eek!  To make matters worse, we down sized from a full sim to a quarter, but with more prims (Oo I love more prims! haha)  More prims equals more shopping, though hubby has banned me from buying anymore lights, glitter and bling!  He calls me a magpie, if it's shiny I want it :)

So we packed up in somewhat of a hurry as we found the most beautiful parcel of land, perfect in every way.  The sunset is stunning for photo's and our neighbours have a fabulous Japanese theme going on, colourful flowering trees and bamboo houses, it's truly gorgeous.  So inevitably, that was me off to the stores to buy some 'necessities' lol, with a groaning husband in tow.  I was feeling all inspired by the Japanese theme, so first stop The Little Branch, my absolute fave store for trees and flowers.  I got a Dracaena tree, it is simply gorgeous and so unusual, well worth going to see.  Next stop was Shi who have a 70% sale on at the moment, so hurry if you want to grab a bargain.  I bought some beautiful tableware and food items (along with a few hairs and an outfit lol)  Shh Joe doesn't know, so keep it between us :)

We put up the house and a pool area, with an area for al fresco dining Japanese style, at the side we built a bar and games room, ideal for spending time with our friends.  I had poor Joe moving things, building, then moving again for hours lol, just when he thought it was done, I'd say, "I'm not sure I like that" omg I thought he was going to drown me in the pool at one point! Good job he loves me as he says :)

So yes it has been busy, I am going to log in now and take some photo's to share with you.  I will try to provide links for as many items in the pics as I can, but if there is anything you spot and would like info on, feel free to message me inworld Chinablu Destiny, or comment below.

A bit late, but Joe & I wish you a fabulous year ahead, filled with love, peace, happiness and good health x

Tableware and food:  Shi - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/After%206%20Days/99/37/21

Candles: Floor Plan:  Fifty Linden Friday Item19th January 2018: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/floorplan/186/63/28

Japanese Ocha Tea Table:  
Zen Creations:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Island%20of%20Zen/109/83/30


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